
A claim may enter the ADR Process if:

The index surgery of the ASR product took place in Ireland; AND

The Claimant had revision surgery in Ireland within 10 years of the index surgery but not earlier than 180 days after the index surgery.


A claim cannot enter the ADR Process if:

The Claimant has not undergone revision surgery; OR

The claim is statute barred pursuant to the Statue of Limitations 1957 (as amended); OR

The Claimant has not obtained Injuries Board authorisation pursuant to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003; OR

The claim relates exclusively to a revision surgery necessitated by:




Fracture of the femoral head; or

Any issue related to the femoral system; OR

The claim is not sufficiently particularised OR sufficient medical records are not supplied OR other essential details have not been given to McCann FitzGerald.